Podcast Conecta2

If you’ve ever found yourself at a crossroads, searching for or rediscovering your career path, seeking a boost of inspiration, or simply wanting to improve and continue growing, this podcast is for you.
Podcast Conecta2

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Who We Are

Our History

The space where stories driven by passion and purpose connect with career opportunities. We are Space Connect, and alongside Abraham Segundo, each week we will explore how stories of struggle, triumph, and transformation intertwine with practical advice on business, marketing, and personal development. We’ll talk to courageous individuals who have navigated the uncertainty of immigration, starting from scratch, changing the course of their business, and making sacrifices in pursuit of their goals. If you’ve ever found yourself at a crossroads, seeking or rediscovering your career path, needing a spark of inspiration, or simply wanting to improve and keep growing, this is the podcast for you. Join us and find resonance within a community of listeners and dreamers. Here, your story matters too, and together, we’ll help you connect with the spark that ignites the next step on your path to success.

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Host Of Conecta2

Abraham Segundo

I’m Abraham Segundo, a social communicator and public relations specialist. Through my podcast, I bring impactful conversations that highlight stories to inspire and uplift the Hispanic community.
If you’re Hispanic and seeking resources, insights, or inspiration from Latino leaders, this podcast is for you. Tune in to connect, elevate your mindset, and enrich your life!
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